Sex Ed and Our Living Earth

All of our bodies and relationships are inextricably connected to the living earth. At Living Earth Sex Ed we learn together how to take better care of ourselves, each other, and the living earth.

Living Earth

Living Earth Sex Ed is a place where families learn how to talk about bodies, boundaries, and sexuality.

These topics are rooted in deep-seated truths: that we are embodied creatures, we relate to one another through our bodies and we take care of one another with our bodies.

We are alive during a time where we can feel and see how our own wellbeing is rooted in the wellbeing of rivers, forests, deserts, oceans, mountains, valleys, glaciers, and tundras.

It is my hope that by learning about bodies, boundaries, and sexuality, that we will learn how to become better caretakers of ourselves, one another, and the living Earth.

Sex Ed

In many families, silence, confusion, ambiguity, and shame around sexuality is the norm.

Most parents want to be the person who educates their child about sexuality. And yet they wait.

  • My child hasn’t brought it up yet so they don’t need to know about it.

  • What if I say too much?

  • What if my child goes and tells other children this information?

Sex ed takes courage.

The courage to say something to your child even when you fear what other people will say about you. The courage to start imperfect conversations. The courage to say “I don’t know how to talk about this.”

Children begin relating to their own body and to others’ bodies from the moment they are born.

As children grow, they need help making sense of the messages they absorb about bodies, boundaries, and sexuality while observing caregivers, talking with friends, playing video games, or watching TV.

At Living Earth Sex Ed we accompany, guide, and support children in this learning process so they can become better caretakers of themselves and of others.